Inclusive design pattern iteration

After the launch of Working NYC our team solicited feedback from stakeholders on the product. We received over 100 responses to a survey that included information on favorite features and where we could make improvements. Using Airtable, I synthesized the qualitative data by extracting and counting the occurrences of keywords and phrases. I then organized these items into the following feedback categories.

A screenshot of the feedback synthesis from Airtable.
The feedback synthesis from Airtable.

The most common point of feedback respondents had regarded the website's general design qualities. The color palette came out as the most liked and disliked feature within this theme. We hypothesized that a new color palette would improve the site experience for some users. However, we didn't have a holistic view of the problem because we weren't certain how to resolve the positive and negative feedback color palette.

We decided to iterate on the site design and talk to our audience and stakeholders about the issue to understand how we might better meet their needs and goals by addressing it.

From color preference to inclusive design patterns

I designed the website using a color palette established by the Workforce Data Portal for its initial launch. To address the negative feedback on the original design, I oversaw the creation of a new light color palette by a fellow on our team. We ensured that the new color palette met WCAG AA color contrast standards.

A screenshot of the homepage in the light color palette designed by our fellow.

The homepage in the light color palette designed by our fellow.

A screenshot of the single program page in the light color palette designed by our fellow.

The single program page in the light color palette designed by our fellow.

I worked with a research fellow to facilitate usability and preference testing interviews with users. We used these interviews to gauge which design users might prefer, light or dark, and ensure there were no major usability issues with the new light color palette. We also received consultation on low-vision usability with the Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities to assess the color contrast between the colors. They revealed that while the colors may have met WCAG AA standards, they needed further refinement to achieve better perceptual contrast.

A screenshot of the default, or night color palette of the original design we tested.

The default, or night color palette of the original design we tested.

A screenshot of the day color palette of the design we tested.

The day color palette of the design we tested.

To implement findings from our research, I extracted the most up-to-date design tokens from the site's pattern library and updated the product Figma design file, adding color, typography styles, and symbols. The result was a complete set of design tokens and components to use in full page mockups and other designs.

A screenshot of the Figma file.
The Figma file including all design tokens and and components from the product's pattern library.

Our research fellow also conducted desk research to understand how users with different color blindness would experience each palette and what color combinations work well for most color-blind users. She made more recommendations for our color combinations and evaluated them for contrast using a color blindness simulator commonly found in developer tools.

Screenshot of simulated Achromatopsia for the default, or night theme..

Simulated Achromatopsia for the default, or night theme.

Screenshot of simulated Deuteranopia for the default, or night theme.

Simulated Deuteranopia for the default, or night theme.

Screenshot of simulated Tritanopia for the default, or night theme.

Simulated Tritanopia for the default, or night theme.

Screenshot of simulated Achromatopsia for the light theme.

Simulated Achromatopsia for the light theme.

Screenshot of simulated Deuteranopia for the light theme.

Simulated Deuteranopia for the light theme.

Screenshot of simulated Tritanopia for the light theme.

Simulated Tritanopia for the light theme.

After the conclusion of our usability and desktop research, we realized that providing alternate color themes is more than a matter of user preference. It is an inclusive design pattern that helps users with specific vision impairments.

As a result of this research and evaluation, we were able to enhance and standardize both light and dark color palettes for color-blind users and achieve full compliance with WCAG AA contrast standards and AAA standards in some cases for low-vision users.


The original color scales for the website. The enhanced color scales for the website.
The first color palette with only the night color scale and the redesigned color palette with additional night and day color scales. All color scales were enhanced with more tints, shades, and saturated colors.
Screenshot of the original program card color theme for the website. Screenshot of the updated program card night color theme for the website. Screenshot of the updated program card day color theme for the website.
The color combinations were changed to use colors that can be more easily distinguished from each other by users with certain types of color blindness (Tritanomaly and Tritanopia). Above is the original color theme compared to the color combinations in the new night and day color themes.
Screenshot of the original mobile menu for the website. Screenshot of the new night theme mobile menu for the website. Screenshot of the new day theme mobile menu for the website.
The mobile menu color palette was updated to create a less disruptive experience for those with color sensitivity. Above, the original mobile menu compared to the mobile menu in the new night and day color themes. Additionally, the "prefers reduced motion" media query is honored to disable the animation of the menu if desired.
A screenshot of the focus state from the website for various page elements.
A focus state for interactive elements was designed and implemented. Previously, the native browser focus state was used.
Screenshot of an original typography sample from the website. Screenshot of the updated typography sample from the website.
We also made updates to typographic styling to improve legibility and information hierarchy.

The final task was designing and testing a system for users to select their preferred color preference between light or dark modes. Our research fellow mocked up and quickly tested recommendations for a toggle for mobile and desktop users.

Screenshot of the default theme toggle button for desktop users. Screenshot of the day theme toggle button for desktop users. Screenshot of the night theme toggle button for desktop users.
Mockups for the theme toggle for desktop users.

With our design recommendations finalized, I began implementing changes to the website's code-based UI pattern library. I refactored our stylesheets to support different color themes using CSS custom properties for all design tokens. Previously, design tokens were exported from JSON to Sass variables, becoming hard-coded at compilation. Using CSS custom properties allowed toggling color themes more fluidly in the browser.

The static HTML demonstration I created using the Working NYC pattern library. The theme toggle can be found behind the mobile menu button.

View the full design

We released the Inclusive Color Patterns on December 21st, 2021.

Final final

The site's design is a collection of open-source code and public Figma file that can be scaled up as the product evolves. I also created internal documentation for all of the historical context behind the design so that team members can understand design decisions. You can browse the GitHub repository and the Figma file following the links below.

First project

Product launch

View all Working NYC projects